The Departing Program 

For Your Organizations Exiting Senior Executives and Employees

The Departing Program is for your late-age professionals who are about to leave or have recently left their well-established and well-burnished professional careers.

The Program is generous compensation for their long-term service and commitment to your enterprise. Given the destructive forces post-retirement, preempting this damage would be a tremendous gift to their future happiness and well-being.

The Program abides by the definition of departing - starting a new journey; deviating from the accepted, prescribed, or traditional course of action.

The Departing Program is not about an ending but a new and conscious beginning.

· The Program facilitates a shift in mindset from older to elder.

· The Program enables a change from accumulated knowledge to higher wisdom via self-examination and self-understanding.

· The Program alters the imposed relationship with aging, death, and dying.

· The Program allows the realization of greater freedom, ease, and full self-expression in the late age years ahead.

· The Program enriches and expands psychological, physical, and spiritual well-being.

· The Program disengages the grasping and clinging to the past and disconnecting from the unexamined identity allowing a new future to emerge.

· The Program answers the question, what's next in my late age years.

Since each enterprise is distinct, with their the number of senior executives and employees, that the program is voluntarily, it is designed one by one for each enterprise.

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