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Aug 04, 2021

"Only the stupidest of men never change." -Confucius

Wisdom's teachings are eternal. They're always true. Sometimes it takes time before you can hear Wisdom's messages. For me, Wisdom's murmured whisper has now become a clarion call. "Marc, it is time to change."

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." - Confucius

At age 76, I heard what Confucious said. Time to change and do not stop. I am transitioning myself and my business from a C-Corp, established in 1985, to a Disregarded Single Entity/LLC.

This new structure will allow me to go half-time, continue my coaching and consulting on a limited basis with clients who want to work on themselves, their self-understanding, not just their business strategies and tactics. Clients who are ready to work on "who" they are being, not just the "how" or "what they do." Business leaders that are ready to become wise leaders.

The new structures will also allow me to deliver four or five Wisdom Weekend Experiences a year if this Delta variant gets under control. All existing structures will remain the same – addresses will remain the same. IT, systems, LinkedIn, and website will remain the same. As a result, modest earnings will allow me under the wire in my tax position, given my age – you must take out money from our retirement when you're over 71.

"The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools." -Confucius

With the other half of my time now open, I will expand my activity in seeking Wisdom, higher self-understanding and do my work on my spiritual development. Half-time allows me to continue my growth and advancement as an elder, a benefactor, an ontological coach, and a more conscious human being.

What will be the most rewarding for me is I'll now be able to spend time with gurus, monks, abbots, roshis, shamans, rabbis, priests, poets, elders of aboriginal tribes while keeping my relations with world-class businessmen and businesswomen intact. I will continue to sharpen my tools.

"There are three methods to gaining wisdom. The first is reflection, which is the highest. The second is limitation, which is the easiest. The third is experience, which is the bitterest." -Confucius

I took the long and hard third route – experience, which eventually brought me to reflection. An unexpected benefit of traveling on this path has allowed me to deliver distillable and self-generative Wisdom into people's hearts and minds. As a result - to open people's access to their own Wisdom, on a conscious and consistent basis - the Wisdom of self and the Wisdom to be a leader in a chaotic, disparate, unstable world.

"Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous." -Confucius

I will also begin to deliver a body of work on conscious aging in 2022-2023. The way people distinguish aging in our culture kills the spirit of seniors who are well endowed intellectually, experientially, and emotionally. The culture leaves them no power, no purpose, and no future of possibility.

"The wise man understands what is right; the foolish man understands what will sell." -Confucius

I need to thank you and all those hundreds of professionals I have known, have worked with, and have learned from over these years. If not for you, I could not have made it this far on my remarkable journey. The opportunity to continue learning and growing is an extraordinary gift. Thank you. Another chapter ends, and the next begins. By the way, I believe it's a privilege to get older – not everybody gets to.

You can still catch me at

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